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1000W Spider LED Grow Light Full Spectrum Commercial 8Bar for Indoor Hydroponics

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Advanced aeroponics - or how to get fuzzy roots and be a happy grower

Why aeroponics? Most people would agree that aero is the apex of hydroponics. Ok, maybe its more like some people would agree ;) It is supposed to give you faster growth, faster harvests, bigger buds, higher yields, etc etc etc.

Ok, fine. All of that is true – in theory. In my experience, YMMV :)

Yes, I have seen significant increases in yield...and total disasters. Sometimes things move along at a break neck pace, and then you screw up and things slow down or stop.

In other words, aero...

Advanced aeroponics - or how to get fuzzy roots and be a happy grower

from Hydroponics / Aeroponics
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