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i have some problems with root rot in my aeroflo system and hydroguard is not available in my country. I found on Amazon something similar it is called bactorrs13 from tnc.
Can I use the powder straight out of the bag in my tank or do I have to make a tea first?
i have some problems with root rot in my aeroflo system and hydroguard is not available in my country. I found on Amazon something similar it is called bactorrs13 from tnc.
Can I use the powder straight out of the bag in my tank or do I have to make a tea first?
TNC BactorrS13
Biological plant stimulant 100% natural ingredients Mixes with water –Hydro or hand watering Nitrogen fixing & Phosphorous solubilisingbacteria Create a healthy bacterial colony– crowd out pathogens 1 gram of TNC BactorrS13 contains 1.6 billion benefical bacteria Description TNC BactorrS13 is a...

from Hydroponics / Aeroponics
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