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1000W Spider LED Grow Light Full Spectrum Commercial 8Bar for Indoor Hydroponics

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Need advice on how to properly sterilize a flower room after a mite infestation

Howdy ho everyone, I got a mite infestation in my flower room on my last flower cycle. I made it through to harvest without a problem, but I've never gone through the process of properly sanitizing a flower room after a mite infestation. I bleached all the walls and floors with a 5% bleach solution (was trying to make 10% but ran short on bleach). I made up a 10% H202 and sprayed every square inch of the flower room. Ceilings, walls, fixtures, floor, closet, trim, garden wand, hose, portable...

Need advice on how to properly sterilize a flower room after a mite infestation

from Hydroponics / Aeroponics

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