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The importance of res changes

So I’vr been thinking about the necessity of regularly changing reservoirs in RDWC.

its generally recommended to change it once a week. What I want to know is what is the maximum?

Why is 1 week ideal?

Now Oe I know you can’t leave it too long because the plant will create in an inbalced resevoir by taking some elements over others.

But asling as the roots and water alter is clean and healthy surely by monitoring and adjusting the EC and ph and topping up the water levels when necessary we could stretch this to 2 or 3 weeks?

Anyone got got any thoughts on this? Scientific knowledge? Factual eveidece? Side by side grows? Previous problematic experiences by leaving it too long tonreesnish the feed (as long as EC, ph, temps, health and cleanliness is monitored and adjusted)???

if I could cut down the res changes I would save thousands every year in water and nutrients and the time saved could be better spent Doug something else in the grow room.

from - Cannabis Growing Forum & Cannabis & Marijuana Discussion Forums - Hydroponic Growing
Read more How to fix this hydroponic problem

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