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Showing posts from May, 2022

Vermiculite Plant!T Hydroponics Grow 1L, 2L, 5L,10L, 20L, 50L Premium Grade

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Fairly sure I’ve stunted bud growth by continually defoliating?

Rdwc that has been consistently within a 5.8 to 6.1 PH range. Front left is a sunset sherb x gelato and the other three are zkittles. Using- UC roots, silica blast, cal mag, Floraflex dry nutes. It just seems that I can’t defol enough… everytime I do it’s grown back within two days. Given that I have been consistently doing it I feel that I’ve stunted bud development. Im I’m almost week three after flip and there’s little to no development towards budding sites. Any thoughts? oh and temp... Fairly sure I’ve stunted bud growth by continually defoliating? from Hydroponics / Aeroponics read more

Whats wrong with my plant

I have a white widow, barney's farm, growing in coco coir and perlite mix 60/40 using vitalink A+B and calmag only... using philzon 1000w LED she's about to flower but her leaves are turning nasty... pls see photo... any help is appreciated... P.s I've flushed her as her EC out was a massive 3.2 she's down to 1.3 as of last night and going to flush 1 more time tonight... from Hydroponics / Aeroponics read more

Cheapest bulk rockwool?

What are some better deals than this? I wanna fill 5 gallon square pots with rockwool. Probably 5 or 6 pots. One of these bags only let's me do roughly 2.7 pots by my math from Hydroponics / Aeroponics read more

THC% Levels

Any Recommendations on How To Increase Levels of THC ?? from Hydroponics / Aeroponics read more

is this light burn ?

So i am experimenting with my LED lights and i think i might of given my plants a little light burn. I am using fluence spydr 2p with dimmer. initially it was about 20" from the top of the plants and dimmed down to 30% which was using about 213 watts each light ( i have 2 of them in a 4x8 tent ) Decided to increase the lights to 40% and this is what happened( see pics ) on a few of the clones. They have been in my RDWC for 12 days. I did a ton of research and i came up with light burn... is this light burn ? from Hydroponics / Aeroponics read more

iceprobe chillers

anyone using ice probe chillers? I have a single 5gal dwc bucket i grow in. its in a 2x2.5 tent in my uninsulated detached garage. Live in SE VA near the ocean. Gets hot as hell and more humidity than you can cut through lol. Have a window unit plumbed into the tent which end of last summer when i first started kept the air temps ok but not so much the water. I generally run 3 to 3.5 gal of water in my bucket when my air gap is right. Just wondering if a probe will get my water under 72F... iceprobe chillers from Hydroponics / Aeroponics read more

Suitable pump for 3 open flow 1" FloraFlex bubblers?

I can't find the right pump to run 3 1" open flow floraflex bubblers, I'm running 2 1/4" stakes to each pot and just trying to reduce manual labor and potentially implement automation later. Mainly just trying to save my back. I've tried as big as a 1/2 horsepower mondi pump and it did not properly operate the drippers, some were spitting water some weren't. I know FloraFlex recommends 15 psi at least and the math they give is for each foot of head the pump can do you multiply it by .433 to... Suitable pump for 3 open flow 1" FloraFlex bubblers? from Hydroponics / Aeroponics read more

Auto Pot feeding system and Air Dome system

I am a new grower and my plants are about 12" tall. I transplanted about 10 days ago. I decided to fill up the reservoir with 1/2 nutrients and check the air pump lines going into the bottom of my buckets. I blew like hell and no air would go through the lines. They are stopped up. I have no choice but to ride it out and see what happens. I don't even think the roots have reached the bottom of the pot and have taken root. The only thing my pump is successfully running now is a line going... Auto Pot feeding system and Air Dome system from Hydroponics / Aeroponics read more

DIY hydro

Planning on building this kind of system Planning on using 160mm drainage pipe. Will there be enough space for roots to thrive? 12/12 straight from seed What do you guys think? Also does it make sense to add top feeding with micro tubing to each plant? from Hydroponics / Aeroponics read more

Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

Outdoor growers are heading inside now so I thought if might be a good time to start a thread on how you can harvest a pound every three weeks from a 7x8' closet. I'll take you through my process from start to harvest. What is different about my system vs. others? 1) 3 separate Aero/NFT flower systems allow me to run a 9 week flower cycle. This allows the buds to fully ripen and also allows me to run strains with more Sativa in them. 2) I... Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks! from Hydroponics / Aeroponics read more

NTFG Dedicated Hydroponic Thread

So of course, NTFG is and will always be my favorite line. I have been growing hydroponics for the last couple years and miss the Nectar. Lots of the product line is very dense and not hydro friendly, so I switched up my regiment. I wanted to start a thread and share info on what your doing with NTFG in hydro, what works, what dosent. Information from anyone that runs the line whole or uses some products, what you substitute and why, would be greatly appreciated. Even if you have... NTFG Dedicated Hydroponic Thread from Hydroponics / Aeroponics read more

Crazy PH difference between 2 of my systems 5.9-6 and 6.8-6.9 no explanation (yet)

This is a long story but i will try and shorten it. Skip to the last section to get on with it. I have been growing RDWC for years and for the last at least almost 7 I have been a strictly Bennies Beneficial Microbes Inoculator. Once upon a time I got root rot in the summer with higher temperatures and discovered Hydroguard and also the usage of H2O2! I have evolved into a Multi Microbe inoculant (ha ha). Currently I am using Great White/Orca/King Crab/Hydroguard/MammothP! with some... Crazy PH difference between 2 of my systems 5.9-6 and 6.8-6.9 no explanation (yet) from Hydroponics / Aeroponics read more

pH Keeps Rising By The Hour. Please Help!

Hey “growmies”, need some urgent second opinions. Currently running an 8 plant recirculating top drip fed system, feeding for 20 mins every hour. Rockwool and hydroton as medium. Rez is 60l (~13 gal). I know its a bit small for the number of plants (was planning on a sog type set up) but bearing in mind they’re only baby girls right now at 1.5 weeks old. RO water. Res temp hasn’t exceeded 20C/68F. Running Canna nutes (vega a+b, calmag and foliar spray rhizo right now) with calcium... pH Keeps Rising By The Hour. Please Help! from Hydroponics / Aeroponics read more

Lights and compact nugs

When do you think its important to give a lot of light to get dence buds. Im thinking cranking up the light in the last 2 ir 3 weeks. Running 1 600 watt per 2 plants and then 1 600 watt per plant and the last 2 weeks 1000w per plant or maybe 1000watt and a 600watt 10 plants 5 1000 watt and 5 600watt. Thoughts from Hydroponics / Aeroponics read more

Best way to sterilize coco coir?

So I've been growing without problems for the last 2 years and all of the sudden I can't get past the seedling stage because they damp off. I flushed the coco with 1ml per gallon of 35% peroxide and 2ppm of chlorine and still getting damp off. Should I just throw the coco out? I've never dealt with anything like this I had no idea weed could be this fragile. from Hydroponics / Aeroponics read more

Mediumless SOG

Looking forward to my next project. Will be taking clones soon, and then do a SOG grow with no veg time in this mediumless ebb and flow set up. Will move neoprene collars with clones directly into net cups in this tray. Hope it works well. from Hydroponics / Aeroponics read more

What would you call this configuration?

Hey. Running setup shown in photo with Coco in pots and watering 2mins twice a day. What would you call this setup? Is it rdwc Coco? Also, do you think it's a good setup? I've got plants in this setup and plants next to it in Coco to waste and this setup is producing larger plants. Each pot is filled with Coco. The base pot holds the hydro solution with an air stone in each pot base. from Hydroponics / Aeroponics read more

Need to get rid of this problem. Could be root rot/pythium... DWC EXPERTS PLEASE HELP !!!!!

So for the last 2 months my ph in DWC has been acting very strange see my other threads. 1 strain of 3 will stop drinking and die. The ph gets to like 6.3 range and stays there no matter how much ph down I put in. It will go higher too even with high levels of ppm around 1100 when high ppm usually makes ph drop to low 5.0 ranges... I AM AN VERY EXPERIENCED DWC GROWER AND THIS HAS NOT HAPPENED TO ME BEFORE... ph meters are correct, water temp is high 60's, its nothing basic that is causing... Need to get rid of this problem. Could be root rot/pythium... DWC EXPERTS PLEASE HELP !!!!! from Hydroponics / Aeroponics read more

Is changing res water in dwc really necessary?

Theoretically, if you're keeping the water clean and roots healthy, couldn't you just keep adding fresh water to the res? ...along with nutes and (hydroguard) ... maintaining desired ph and ppm. For how much the plants drink later in their lifespan, it seems to me the water would be completely, newly cycled every week or multiple times a week anyway, just by adding so much fresh water to top off the res. This is my first grow, and I'm just theorizing and planning for the best and easiest... Is changing res water in dwc really necessary? from Hydroponics / Aeroponics read more

Does anyone use VEG+BLOOM

I am running the veg bloom line now and must say I like it. I use nectar for my soil grows, but when I decided to primarily grow hydro, nectar being my favorite line, is just to dense of a line to use. Some of the products really wanna sink. I don't like paying for water weight in nutrients or shipping costs, so I decided to give powders a shot. I am adding bulletproof si and sour dee to the complete veg bloom line with awesome results. I dont wanna add to much, i wanna see how this... Does anyone use VEG+BLOOM from Hydroponics / Aeroponics read more

someone help me with a good diy RDWC suggestion

I cant seem to find any good builds for a simple 4-5 plant RDWC with a control tote for doing ph/ppm adjustments. I used to find them all the time here and am coming up empty. Right now doing the 5 gal bubble buckets and swapping out every week with new water/nutes. theres gotta be an easier way so that can start netting up the babies and not always moving them from one bucket to another during water changes right?1!!! from Hydroponics / Aeroponics read more

Trimming and scrogging short (assuming indica heavy) strain

Just wondering if anyone has any tips on trimming up the bottoms of the plants and then scrogging? These (from my limited knowledge) appear to be more indica given how they’re growing. I have one too off left of veg nutrients and will then be flipping to flower from Hydroponics / Aeroponics read more

First grow, first problem. Orange/Brown spots on top leaves

Hello, Yesterday my 2 plants in the same 10 gallong DWC tote showed signs of what I thought was nutrient defficiency, and the water level was low, so I mixed nutrients in about 2 gallons of water, and added that in. This morning, I'm waking up to a problem. Please help this is my first grow and It's really going well...would love it if it succeded. So this is yesterday: No spots or anything. And today: [ATTACH... First grow, first problem. Orange/Brown spots on top leaves from Hydroponics / Aeroponics read more

Saving Nutrient Water

Hello. I have a 10 gallon tote DWC. I'm changing water once a week (changed to every 5 days), and every time I do, I end up having leftover nutrient solution. I throw that away. About a gallon. This time, I filled 4 1.5l drinking water bottles (not sterilized, used), and put them in the fridge. Wondering is there any issue with using that water next time I change DWC water? Pathogens or nutrient degradation due to low fridge temperatures? I can of course be more careful with how much... Saving Nutrient Water from Hydroponics / Aeroponics read more

Coco coir

Hey all, I’m about to start my second grow and am gonna go with coco instead of soil. I have just a few questions I hope can be answered. 1. What brand of coco brick do you guys like and trust? I bought one brick of thunder acres a while back that I still haven’t hydrated, not sure if I should buy more of those or go with another brand. The only bagged coco available near me is cultivation nation by fox farm. Not sure if it’s trustworthy, but hey if anyone has used it chime in! 2. Is... Coco coir from Hydroponics / Aeroponics read more

Ebb&Flood System my first attempt and a few quastions

Hello, I have a 80x80x160cm Grow Tent with 8 Plants in it transplant then 3 day's ago in 4 x 7,5 Liter and 4 x 6 Liter Airpots all filled with Coco and Pebbles combination I hope it's not Overkill it's tight now in the room but i train my Plants to filled the space nice. My Ebb and Flood will coming soon my Tank 40-65 Liter arrived today I know it's not so big but maybe it will work with a eye on it? How much and how long I have to Flood the Tray at this moment? Know i do Hand watering... Ebb&Flood System my first attempt and a few quastions from Hydroponics / Aeroponics read more

Bud Rot

Well I've got the High Grade scope that supposedly tells you how much you're THC %is within 3% give or take. They also have other features as well like growers help. So I sent them a few pictures and they told me it looked as if I may have bud rot and to trim the rotted buds and go ahead and start my curing process with the rest. I don't believe it was bud rot I believe it's light burn. My tents only 2'×2'×4' and when I hit the flowering stage I couldn't get my light high and far enough... Bud Rot from Hydroponics / Aeroponics read more

Bud Rot

Well I've got the High Grade scope that supposedly tells you how much you're THC %is within 3% give or take. They also have other features as well like growers help. So I sent them a few pictures and they told me it looked as if I may have bud rot and to trim the rotted buds and go ahead and start my curing process with the rest. I don't believe it was bud rot I believe it's light burn. My tents only 2'×2'×4' and when I hit the flowering stage I couldn't get my light high and far enough... Bud Rot from Hydroponics / Aeroponics read more

Nutrients, Yara 20-20-20, Jacks 321 pH stability

So I used nothing but Jacks for a turn (ebb flow), using a commercial agriculture Humic Acid product as a pH up (pH about 11 ironic for an "acid"), I had no issues really keeping my res' within the 5.5-6.2 range, running 5.8-6.0 90% of the time once dialed in. So I kicked off this turn with Yara 202020, because cheap, and I got tired of beating my old bag of cal nitrate with a hammer. For Veg, not a big issue. In Flower, now I can't keep my pH from constantly rising. I'm burning thru acid... Nutrients, Yara 20-20-20, Jacks 321 pH stability from Hydroponics / Aeroponics read more

Autopot Medium

Hi all, I've been seeing hit or miss reviews about using autopot systems. Some say it's great, some say terrible maintenance. Im going to try a small 2 pot autopot system for a 4x4 that I've got for experiments. What medium do you recommend I use and why? from Hydroponics / Aeroponics read more

DWC or Top Fed hydroton buckets

Tired of hand watering soil and would love to start hydro, but I had bad experience with DWC, root rot, had to start the entire grow over cos of it. Had read a lot of positive things about plants in buckets full of hydroton with top fed drippers, this system seems bulletproof except one thing, I live in high humidity area, and sometimes it could be weeks when humidity is over 90%. So dehumidifier is a must if I choose top fed hydroton, right? Otherwise algae starts to grow on top and boom... DWC or Top Fed hydroton buckets from Hydroponics / Aeroponics read more