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1000W Spider LED Grow Light Full Spectrum Commercial 8Bar for Indoor Hydroponics

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Adjustable Bottom Drain Hempy Bucket Bin/Tray thing

Watering every day is just too much work!!!! so i've designed a Hempy Bucket Bin .... with an adjustable height bottom drain and a visual water level indicator. I know, I know, its not a Hempy and keep it simple stupid! but.... this solves several issues for me. I typically run 1 plant at a time but could possibly run up to 6 in my custom wooden grow cabinet, main chamber 20" deep 30" wide 36" tall with 12" of space under the plants (run off capture, air intake and electronics) and...

Adjustable Bottom Drain Hempy Bucket Bin/Tray thing

from Hydroponics / Aeroponics
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