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1000W Spider LED Grow Light Full Spectrum Commercial 8Bar for Indoor Hydroponics

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An alarm to tell me if my hydroponics pump failed?

Hiya- I had a mishap several times, mostly with clones- BUT I did kill 4-7 weeks plants in pebbles, that was SUPPOSED to be watered 3 times a day, but failed for 4 or more days before I came back. Kid of a remote grow, no one goes every day. Oh I had a timer go to hell and killed a few also. I've had more than a reasonable run of bad luck. LOL 8 seeds all-male (google the odds of 8 coin flips, 4 strains 2 of each)

Is there an alarm or a DIY solution to this "running dry" problem?

from Hydroponics / Aeroponics
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