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Does DWC require way more nutrients than soil or I'm making a mistake?

Hey guys, hope you're healthy and well. I really want to start growing in DWC because I'm amazed by most of the results online. In soil, I'm used to growing in 15-19Lt. pots and I water 1.5Ltr water with nutes every 2 days. So that would be 4.5Ltr water with nutes per week. If I start using DWC, if the bucket is 19ltr that requires water change once a week(some say once every two weeks), then I would spend 19ltrs of water WITH NUTES per week instead of 4.5ltrs like in soil. Are my...

Does DWC require way more nutrients than soil or I'm making a mistake?

from Hydroponics / Aeroponics

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