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1000W Spider LED Grow Light Full Spectrum Commercial 8Bar for Indoor Hydroponics

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I really need some hydro help... feeling super discouraged and confused!

Hey guys.. so in the past 7 weeks I've managed to kill a seedling, a month old plant and it looks like I'm about to kill my 7 week old flowering auto. I've got a 10 day old seedling who is doing ok (for the moment) but I'm feeling less than confident. I just can't get my system in order!

So, here's my basic set up:
Everything has been an auto so far. DWC 6 gallon buckets (homemade from food grade buckets), wrapped in foil tape. I have 4 air stones in each bucket pushing air, hydroton with...

I really need some hydro help... feeling super discouraged and confused!

February 06, 2020 at 12:54AM

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