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Looking for directions to info about a specific grow style. Grow Journals, How to's, anything I can study up on.
I really like the idea of Ebb and Flow that uses as little grow medium as possible. That requires that the tray be covered so that the roots, as they expand, are not exposed to light. KLX does this style with 2 inch net pots and hydroton. I've also seen something similar done with setting 4 inch rockwool cubes on a NTF material.
It seems like there would be a learning curve to...
No meduim Ebb and Flow/NFT questions...
I really like the idea of Ebb and Flow that uses as little grow medium as possible. That requires that the tray be covered so that the roots, as they expand, are not exposed to light. KLX does this style with 2 inch net pots and hydroton. I've also seen something similar done with setting 4 inch rockwool cubes on a NTF material.
It seems like there would be a learning curve to...
No meduim Ebb and Flow/NFT questions...
October 04, 2019 at 02:11AM
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