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Namibia: Farmers trained to use hydroponics and encroacher bush for animal feed -

Namibia: Farmers trained to use hydroponics and encroacher bush for animal feed from "hydroponics" - Google News Learn more about hydroponics Namibia: Farmers trained to use hydroponics and encroacher bush for animal feed Visit potads uk classifieds for 1000's of 420 adverts

Need help with automated top fed system asap!

Howdy, just wanna apologize ahead of time for my lack of knowledge on this subject... I am your average hillbilly grower, who actually has around 17 years of growing experience, but have always grown the old fashioned simple way "watering by hand".

Basically, I'm getting older, my back can't handle all the toting of hundreds of gallons of water per week. My room is getting crowded and I need an easier way of watering and feeding. So I have been looking into the cheapest auto watering...

Need help with automated top fed system asap!

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