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Showing posts from October, 2018

Vermiculite Plant!T Hydroponics Grow 1L, 2L, 5L,10L, 20L, 50L Premium Grade

£5.90   Buy It on eBay for only: £5.90 Buy It Now on eBay Best hydroponics products on ebay Don't forget to check out our cannabis classifieds listings at grow products

Water quality and calmag

Hydroponics / Aeroponics Water quality and calmag my tap water comes out as around 180ppm on a x500 scale. On the water companies website all they give me for quality tests are that they claim: The water is moderately soft with: 40mg/l as calcium 100mg/l as calcium carbonate. They don’t state how much magnesium. However if my tap water is 180 and they say 140ppm is calcium should I be using a calmag supplement with this kind of water? I have gotten some calmag deficiencies late in flower before but thought nothing of it. But I’m starting... Water quality and calmag more info...

minimum size reservoir for 4'x4' flood table

Hydroponics / Aeroponics minimum size reservoir for 4'x4' flood table I recently purchased a botanicare 4x4 flood table and was wondering the minimum size reservoir needed to accommodate it. Im going to be using coco and circle pots. Flood and drain type of grow. Any experienced users of 4x4 flood tables, would love to hear your experience with 20, 25, 40 gallon reservoirs. I would like to get a reservoir with a low profile to give me maximum height with the plants to play with. Thanks more info...

Constant nute burn @ Low EC

Hydroponics / Aeroponics Constant nute burn @ Low EC Hey guys. So I'm doing my second grow now and there's something odd occurring, that happened last grow too. My plants seem to be getting nute burn at low PPM's. They're currently 10 days old @ 220 ppm. The tap water is 120 ppm so that's 100ppm of nutes (~1/4 strength). The same thing happened during my last grow. The plants ended up being okay though but it's still quite worrying. The EC also seems to gradually rise, along with the pH, instead of dropping up until much later in vegetative... Constant nute burn @ Low EC more info...

RDWC Waterfall design critique

Hydroponics / Aeroponics RDWC Waterfall design critique Hi all. Just wanted to gather feedback on the the design and nutrients and parts. Water pump - 1600 gph Ecoplus airpump - 1300 ish Planning on using banjo threaded bulkheads with PVC 40 MPT X S male adapters to connect the 2" PVC pipes between buckets. The waterfall effect will be an elbow reducer into each bucket. Hydroton will be the medium. Nutrients are: GH Maxigro GH Maxibloom GH CALMAG Hydroguard GH Diamond Nectar more info...

Calibrated Bluelab Equipment showing different EC's / pH's

Hydroponics / Aeroponics Calibrated Bluelab Equipment showing different EC's / pH's Hey Guys, I'm having some weird issues, or maybe it's me? I thought bluelab was the best equipment out there, so I bought myself a couple of pH dosers and some guardians.... Now the first issue I had was with my first guardian which I'd been using for about 2 years. I noticed my new plants were getting nute burn, but the EC was only 0.6. I bought a second one as a spare and hooked it up and found the EC on the new one was showing 0.8 in the same solution. I got out my ppm calibration... Calibrated Bluelab Equipment showing different EC's / pH's more info...

480 ppm out the tap

Hydroponics / Aeroponics 480 ppm out the tap Newb here. Just getting set up for my 1st grow which will be 50/50 coco/perlite. 3-6 plants is all. Buy RO water from store or buy machine/filter? Please, let me know what you are running, what works, and what doesn’t? more info...

Constant nute burn @ Low EC

Hydroponics / Aeroponics Constant nute burn @ Low EC Hey guys. So I'm doing my second grow now and there's something odd occurring, that happened last grow too. My plants seem to be getting nute burn at low PPM's. They're currently 10 days old @ 220 ppm. The tap water is 120 ppm so that's 100ppm of nutes (~1/4 strength). The same thing happened during my last grow. The plants ended up being okay though but it's still quite worrying. The EC also seems to gradually rise, along with the pH, instead of dropping up until much later in vegetative... Constant nute burn @ Low EC more info...

How much h202 to kill fungus gnat larvae?

Hydroponics / Aeroponics How much h202 to kill fungus gnat larvae? I'm in deep water culture hydroponics, NOT soil! How much 3 percent hydrogen peroxide, with how much water do I dilute to kill fungus gnat larvae? I read online 1 part hydrogen peroxide per I think it was 3 or 4 parts water. I tried that on my northern lights in my hydroton and it literally fried her and killed her. Don't want to do the same thing to my pineapple express. Help please more info...

First try DWC.

Hydroponics / Aeroponics First try DWC. Hi. I'm on day 10 from first set of leafs, doing alright but i think my plant looks a little sad. Barneys farm CBD Critical Cure. Can it be underfed maybe? I use Plant Magic DWC nutes, 30% strength from feed schedule. PH is 5.8 Water temp is 70F. Tent temp is 75F. LED lights around 14000Lux. more info...

Algae in res...Clear Rez??

Hydroponics / Aeroponics Algae in res...Clear Rez?? I have put up with algae grown in my res that I use for my sprayer system forever. Everything is good with how things work out each time and I love the simplicity of the sprayers after using other stuff over the years. I know I can build I light proof box to stop things growing but I wonder about Clear Rez. Some came with my cloner but I haven’t used it and it seems like it would be chlorine. I just use Botanicare so I am not overly concerned about killing any bennificials but my thought... Algae in res...Clear Rez?? more info...

Constant nute burn @ Low EC

Hydroponics / Aeroponics Constant nute burn @ Low EC Hey guys. So I'm doing my second grow now and there's something odd occurring, that happened last grow too. My plants seem to be getting nute burn at low PPM's. They're currently 10 days old @ 220 ppm. The tap water is 120 ppm so that's 100ppm of nutes (~1/4 strength). The same thing happened during my last grow. The plants ended up being okay though but it's still quite worrying. The EC also seems to gradually rise, along with the pH, instead of dropping up until much later in vegetative... Constant nute burn @ Low EC more info...

First try DWC.

Hydroponics / Aeroponics First try DWC. Hi. I'm on day 10 from first set of leafs, doing alright but i think my plant looks a little sad. Barneys farm CBD Critical Cure. Can it be underfed maybe? I use Plant Magic DWC nutes, 30% strength from feed schedule. PH is 5.8 Water temp is 70F. Tent temp is 75F. LED lights around 14000Lux. more info...

Hydroguard and Clear Rez

Hydroponics / Aeroponics Hydroguard and Clear Rez I' new to hydroponics and was wanting to know if you can mix hydroguard and Clear Rez into your nutrients or do I need to run them with fresh water? more info...

Second go at first grow in new UC system

Hydroponics / Aeroponics Second go at first grow in new UC system My first attempt at growing in my new undercurrent system went from bad to worse rather quickly. I ended up getting root rot and no matter what I did nothing helped. Tried a compost tea, cleaning the system with h202, soaking roots in a mixture of nothing but water and h202 and finally returning the girls to an h202 treated solution. In the end every time new roots came in a couple days later they would turn brown. Ended up getting rid of the girls and sterilizing my system with chlorine and... Second go at first grow in new UC system more info...

Convert top feed to ebb and flow?

Hydroponics / Aeroponics Convert top feed to ebb and flow? Currently running top feed into netpots onto tables that drain into the res and get pumped back up all day and night. Id like to eliminate the top feed line and just pump in and drain from the bottom of the table I have a repeat cycle timer so i need to add something like clay balls to the table so the roots dont dry out? What elese would i have to change to make it happen ? Is this a bad idea? The system is ok, its just more to clean/leak. Id rather cut the fat... Convert top feed to ebb and flow? more info...

DIY cloner! Looking for feedback.

Hydroponics / Aeroponics DIY cloner! Looking for feedback. So after a bunch of looking around, this is what I came up with. Shortly after it was done i realized that i couldnt find a video with the pump actually on, so I have no idea if the spray is enough or too much or not fine enough ect.. Just looking for feedback and if theres anything else I should think about changing. Started with the rows spaced out, have enough to fill all the squares if i choose to later.... DIY cloner! Looking for feedback. more info...

First RDWC build!!!

Hydroponics / Aeroponics First RDWC build!!! After several less than stellar soil grows (yellowing and stressed plants by week 5 of flower producing high quality but mediocre yields at best) I decided i wanted to give hydro another go but wanted something requiring minimal maintenance and supervision, and going the 5gal bucket hydrofarm wasnt going to cut it for me. I wanted to create and be handy so after many hours of scour(ing) and reading i decided to build an RDWC system using 19gal totes and a 27gal reservoir to feed em. I... First RDWC build!!! more info...

What nutrients to use that are pretty simple?

Hydroponics / Aeroponics What nutrients to use that are pretty simple? I've been using AN sensi with the hobbyest level additives. I've been using it with decent results but I just hate that there's a million other additives and when I do run into a problem I get confused since my ppm, ph, and environment is good. Don't really mind price if it's only a few bottles that includes all macros/micros more info...

DIY cloner! Looking for feedback.

Hydroponics / Aeroponics DIY cloner! Looking for feedback. So after a bunch of looking around, this is what I came up with. Shortly after it was done i realized that i couldnt find a video with the pump actually on, so I have no idea if the spray is enough or too much or not fine enough ect.. Just looking for feedback and if theres anything else I should think about changing. Started with the rows spaced out, have enough to fill all the squares if i choose to later.... DIY cloner! Looking for feedback. more info...

Best system for being gone 5 days at a time

Hydroponics / Aeroponics Best system for being gone 5 days at a time It wont be long and life is going to get in the way of my growing, i will likely be gone 5 days, home 2. Been trying to come up with something so i can at least do one grow at a time, while only being home 2 days in a row a week. I have experience with dwc and rdwc but stopped hydro and went with all organic in soil with drip system and handwatering. I have decided, neither of these are going to work well being gone 5 days at a time. Im wondering if ebb and flow flood trays would be my... Best system for being gone 5 days at a time more info...

Making a hydroponic stable PH up/down

Hydroponics / Aeroponics Making a hydroponic stable PH up/down I’m trying to make a copy-cat of General Hydroponics Ph Down. From what I understand most commercial PH downs are mostly Citric Acid and Nitric/Phosphoric Acid. Does anyone have success with a homeade ph down mixture? Has a couple recipes (above link) You can also list ph up recipes for those who may need it. I’ll still be continuing my research on the subject and logging it here. more info...

Aeroponic cloning methods

Hydroponics / Aeroponics Aeroponic cloning methods Hi everyone. After seeing someone I follow on Instagram talk about their cloning "potions" I thought id start a discussion. I always thought a sterile rez was the only way to go but my roots always show up thin and stringy. I used just tap water with h202 with no real application rate dialled in yet. I was told uc roots, kln and cultured solutions give great results which indeed I saw! What do you guys use? How long till you get roots and do they go wild? I was oblivious to scraping... Aeroponic cloning methods more info...