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While I find the Lucas formula good for sativa-dominant plants (ie fast growers and heavy feeders), when using it with light feeders plants (either whole breeds or particular individuals of a breed) it walways ends up in nitrogen deficiency. This becomes particularly evident when using high intensity lights with UV component such as COB LEDs
I believe this happens because the 5ml micro/10ml bloom (per gal) formula supposedly to be used in veg is too strong for certain strains at the earlier...
the issue with Lucas formula
from Hydroponics / Aeroponics
Read more How to fix this hydroponic problem
I believe this happens because the 5ml micro/10ml bloom (per gal) formula supposedly to be used in veg is too strong for certain strains at the earlier...
the issue with Lucas formula
from Hydroponics / Aeroponics
Read more How to fix this hydroponic problem